Longest serving member of The Fortunes...Michael Smitham, plus Eddie Mooney, who spent over 30 years in The Dakotas and has now spent over a decade with The Fortunes, performing as a fantastic duo. Stories and anecdotes from their many years in 'show biz'!
The Fortunes were formed in Rugby in Warwickshire in 1963 and still perform to appreciative audiences all around the world. Fortunes members Michael Smitham and Eddie Mooney have been with the band for nearly fifty years collectively, and Michael is now the longest serving member of the band since the untimely passing of founding members Rod Allen and Barry Pritchard.
Due to recent illness, they were asked to fulfil an engagement as a duo, which they did to rapturous applause! Whilst still performing with The Fortunes, Michael and Eddie now perform regularly as the ‘Sounds of The Fortunes’. Lots of hits, lots of stories and anecdotes about their many years in the music business! A must see show……
Q: How long does setup take?A: 30 mins Q: What are your space and power requirements?A: Any area around 10' square. A house PA system if possible, but own PA can be supplied. Q: Do you take requests?A: No, but birthday messages etc can be announced from the stage.
Two members of hit recording band The Fortunes performing as 'Sounds of The Fortunes'.
Longest serving member of The Fortunes...Michael Smitham, plus Eddie Mooney, who spent over 30 years in The Dakotas and has now spent over a decade with The Fortunes, performing as a fantastic duo. Stories and anecdotes from their many years in 'show biz'!
The Fortunes were formed in Rugby in Warwickshire in 1963 and still perform to appreciative audiences all around the world. Fortunes members Michael Smitham and Eddie Mooney have been with the band for nearly fifty years collectively, and Michael is now the longest serving member of the band since the untimely passing of founding members Rod Allen and Barry Pritchard.
Due to recent illness, they were asked to fulfil an engagement as a duo, which they did to rapturous applause! Whilst still performing with The Fortunes, Michael and Eddie now perform regularly as the ‘Sounds of The Fortunes’. Lots of hits, lots of stories and anecdotes about their many years in the music business! A must see show……
Q: How long does setup take?
A: 30 mins
Q: What are your space and power requirements?
A: Any area around 10' square. A house PA system if possible, but own PA can be supplied.
Q: Do you take requests?
A: No, but birthday messages etc can be announced from the stage.
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